The constant changes and challenges in today’s organizations require that employees go above and beyond the basic requirements of their job description. As businesses strive to measure results and increase employee accountability, the pressure is on to have employees perform at a much higher level than ever before.

Those who have been merely performing their minimal job requirements are becoming at risk to be the ones chosen to go when circumstances call for a reduction in workforce. Average and even above average employees are now challenged to create their own job security by working in a new way. And while no job is ever secure, there are ways that everyone can minimize career risk by learning how to add value to their organization:

BE GOAL-ORIENTED AND OUTCOME-FOCUSED: It is easy to slip into the day to day mode of responding to the myriad challenges and “fires” which face us all. Longer term, however, this narrow reactive focus will erode progress toward the goals that must be met by the department or organization. Practicing good time management and keeping focused on the results to be achieved will help to keep you on track. Remember to prioritize the important measurable activities when the “urgent” ones, such as voicemails and emails, are nagging at you. Quantifying and documenting your results will provide value whether you stay or go.

THINK PROFIT AND LOSS, EVEN IF IT IS NOT YOUR PRIMARY JOB: Every proprietary business exists to make money, and every not-for-profit needs to “think” like a business in order to be financially viable and fulfill its mission. There are two ways to support a healthy bottom line: add to revenue or reduce expenses. Every employee in every organization has the potential – and the responsibility – to contribute to the bottom line in one way or the other, or both. The key is for all employees to development an awareness and a desire to help the organization to run as cost effectively as possible.

TAKE APPROPRIATE INITIATIVE: Mediocre employees do only what is minimally expected of them, and are not motivated to go above and beyond their core job description. Employees who desire to add value to their organization will see opportunities for improvements, and want to act on them. Of course, it is imperative that these actions are consistent with the intentions and goals of the organization. Even if you are not seeking career advancement per se, it is imperative to develop the habit of knowing what needs to be done, seeing a better way to do something, or better serving the needs of the customer. There is no room today for the attitude of “It’s not my job” or “They don’t pay me enough to do that.

COLLABORATE WHENEVER POSSIBLE: While the expression “Let’s see a little more teamwork here” is frequently over-used, it is a critical aspect of organizational success. If something can be accomplished more quickly or effectively with the assistance of others, then reach out, collaborate, and make it happen. Put your ego aside, and forget the fact that someone else might share the “credit” for the outcome. The greater reward for all will be the exceptional results that emerge from the synergy of effective teamwork.