Interviewing is where “the rubber meets the road” in the hiring process. It is where future relationships are formed which set the stage for individual, team and organizational success. Professionals currently in job search report that they are still experiencing…
Five Blind Spots in Making an Employment Decision
In making everyday business and life decisions, it is important to arm ourselves with knowledge that will help us avoid making major mistakes, particularly in the important arena of job and career choices. The following blind spots have been known…
Coach Employees Toward Their Own Solution
As supervisors and managers learn to develop their coaching skills with employees, it challenges them to release old habits that just don’t work. Telling people what to do and how to do it, over and over, will just fall upon…
Don’t Eliminate Job Possibilities Too Soon
With jobs as competitive as they are today, it is baffling why so many candidates discount or eliminate job or company possibilities too early on in the process. For instance, one candidate saw a job posting online that was very…
Asking the Right Questions in Your Interview
The interview process, at its best, is a give and take discussion which offers both parties the opportunity to get to know one another better. While the interviewer should be allowed to take the lead in the process, it is…
What is Your Job Search Style
Have the results of your job search efforts been less than you think they should be? If so, perhaps you should consider where your approach style fits on the PASSIVE-ASSERTIVEAGGRESSIVE scale. If anything, most job seekers tend to lean too…
Focus on the Quality of Your Relationships at Work
Unfortunately, the basics of building positive relationships were never taught in college. Regardless of level of education, there are still many people who have achieved position, status and “success” in their careers despite their lack of interpersonal skills. We have…
Surviving A Group Interview
Ask any candidate what is the most challenging type of interview he or she has experienced, and the answer is likely to be the group interview. Even the most confident interviewer will admit that the reaction to a barrage of…
Salary Strategies
Interviewing for a job is stressful enough, but when it comes to discussing money, most everyone is uncomfortable. How do you respond to that inevitable question, “What are your salary requirements?” If you price yourself too high, you’ll eliminate yourself…
Some Managers Create Their Own Problems in the Workplace
At work, competition and the economic climate are forcing everyone to do more with less. Stress is high among management and workers. People who once loved their work and their company now report that they “put up with it” because…