Guidelines For Building and Maintaining Your Network


Networking is essential for career and life success. It is both an art and a science. Some people gravitate to the  process more naturally than others, and others avoid it altogether due to personal discomfort. Some people just  don’t think about it at all. Unfortunately, many people do not invest themselves in this important process until  they are unemployed or in another situation which “forces” them to seek the help of others.

The best time to build your network is right now. It should become an integral part of every day of your life and  career. Relationships are the key to getting things done more effectively, and living more fully. Here are ten easy  steps to creating and maintaining your personal and professional network, starting today:

  • Keep an open mind and positive attitude about the idea of networking and meeting new people. This generally requires an optimistic point of view as well as a belief that others have something of value to bring to your life, and you to theirs.
  • Put yourself in circumstances where you are likely to meet new people. Summertime brings with it many opportunities to make new acquaintances. These can include meeting other parents at your children’s sports events, or striking up a conversation with another jogger at the local park. At work, try sitting with someone you would like to meet at the company picnic table or cafeteria.
  • When attending a meeting, conference or other event, challenge yourself to sit next to someone you do not know. Ask a question of the other person that would open up the conversation and probe for something you might have in common. Some of these situations will blossom; others will just be a pleasant crossing of paths. Not all contacts you meet will be appropriate or desirable to add to your network.
  • As a conversation develops, listen for ways that you can assist the other person. You can help them by sharing information that you have that might be of value to them. This helping of others is the backbone of the networking process.
  • Express a sincere appreciation for and sincerity about others. The best way to relax with and enjoy the networking experience is to take the focus off you. Be an attentive listener and show genuine interest in what the other person is saying.
  • As your network grows, find opportunities to introduce members of your network to each other. Staying in touch and keeping your mind open to the needs of others; you will become more aware of situations where you can connect some of your relationships to each other for their mutual benefit.
  • Plan ways to keep up with your relationships from time to time. Attending professional meetings, programs and conferences not only keeps your knowledge current, it also puts you in a situation to update and renew your networking pool of relationships.
  • Organize your network along with the rest of your work. Keep information about the people in your network in once place, such as a contact management system. Make an effort to update it regularly, as people are changing jobs or employers more frequently. Plan ahead to contact key people that you want to stay in touch with but may not see very often. Set your “alarm” for each
  • To maximize and enrich your network, make a conscious effort to diversify your relationships. Take a look at your overall network and see if there is too much similarity in the population. Then, take time to meet people who are different than the bulk of your network. Diversifying factors include age, gender, race, religion or profession.
  • Remember that networking is an ongoing process of meeting new people and building relationships. The value that networking brings is a wonderful resource and support system that you will always have at your disposal.